Apple’s Planet of the Apps looks like Shark Tank with an ‘escalator pitch’

Apple is finally pulling the curtains on its original TV shows. The company has revealed the first trailer for its upcoming non-scripted reality TV show called ‘Planet of the Apps’ at Recode’s Code Media conference. Based on the trailer, it looks a lot like Shark Tank with a vibe that reminds me of The Voice.

The show will feature four celebrities turned judges — Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Gary Vaynerchuk. VC firm Lightspeed Venture will also play a big role as they could end up investing in the best teams.

Based on the trailer, tech companies like Yelp and Uber are also going to help the teams with some guidance. The winners will also get promotion on the App Store homepage.

The show will air on Apple Music at some point in the future. Apple is going to release one episode per week instead of dropping all the episodes at once.

But the best part of the trailer is the escalator pitch (sic). Teams have 60 seconds to convince the judges. In real life, short pitches are often called elevator pitches because you can pitch your company during an elevator ride.

Production company Propagate probably took it too literally and tried recreating the good old elevator pitch. But an elevator isn’t really practical for a TV show, so they replaced it with an escalator. Tada! Let’s do an escalator pitch!

I’m going to be honest — despite this escalator pitch, this trailer is looking quite good and I can’t wait to see the actual show.


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